
We Are Health

Cannabis was used for thousands of years in different cultures around the world for medicinal purposes.

Cannabis was used for thousands of years in different cultures around the world for medicinal purposes.

We Are Health

Research on cannabinoids and endocannabinoids, at a physiological and pathological level, has gained great attention from the medical community in recent years, supporting the effects and properties of these molecules. Unfortunately, these investigations are sometimes significantly slowed down by legislation and regulations in different countries, and by the existing lack of agronomic knowledge on the medical Cannabis crop.

Without a doubt, the research on cannabinoids has experienced an important boom in the last decades. The boom coincides with the period when extensive studies on the cannabinoid signaling system have been carried out, laying the foundations to understand its physiology and particularlly, its physiopathology.

We support numerous scientific research projects through private funding to promote the study of medical Cannabis for the treatment of several diseases, following the latest advances closely. By doing that, we form part of the existing hope and the unstoppable current of support for its use in medicine.

As the numerous studies of the medical community teach us about the promising potential of cannabinoids in the treatment of several diseases, we highlight:

We support numerous scientific research projects

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