A brief history of Cannabis

The first evidence on the use of cannabis dates back to 12,000 BC in China. English naturalist William Turner, considered to be the first botanist, praises the plat’s properties in The New Herbal, published in 1538.

The greatest expansion of cannabis in the West happened during the 19th century, increasing its popularity in cosmetics, pharmacy, and multiple daily uses. Also, thanks to Scottish military doctor WB O’Shaughnessy’s contribution, its therapeutic properties became widely known in the medical field in 1850, after he returned to service in India.

It is during the first half of the 20th century when the disagreements about the plant occurs, stigmatizing its use worldwide. It was not until the 1960’s that the Israeli scientist, Dr. Raphael Mechoulam, decided to study cannabis in depth since little was known about it in terms of physiology, and in 1964 he became the first scientist to identify and synthesize THC, and years later the CBD.

Since then, he has continued his research, and in the 90’s, him and his team discovered the endocannabinoid system. Currently, there is a pro-cannabis movement powered by the return-to-nature ideal, with the support from the scientific community for its medicinal properties.